Location & Directions

Directions coming North from Cranbrook

Head North along Hwy 93/95 (Kootenay Hwy) towards Windermere, BC. The trip up from Cranbrook should take about an hour and fifteen minutes. You’re looking to turn right on Kootenay No3 Road right before entering Windermere. If you enter the townsite, you’ve gone too far! Stay left on Kootenay No3 Road as it turns into Windermere Loop Road, until you see our entrance sign. Welcome to Windermere Valley Golf Course!

Directions coming South from Golden

Head South along Hwy 93/95 (Kootenay Hwy) towards Windermere, BC. The trip down from Golden should take about an hour and fifteen minutes. You’re looking to turn left on Kootenay No3 Road right after leaving Windermere. If you start hitting open road again, you’ve gone too far! Stay left on Kootenay No3 Road as it turns into Windermere Loop Road, until you see our entrance sign. Welcome to Windermere Valley Golf Course!

Book a Tee Time at Windermere Valley Golf Course


250-342-3004 • TEE TIME REQUEST FORM

Current Weather at Windermere Valley Golf Course
Mostly cloudy throughout the day. Friday -4°C - 10°C
Possible light rain in the afternoon. Saturday -2°C - 7°C
Overcast throughout the day. Sunday -3°C - 5°C
Mostly cloudy throughout the day. Monday -4°C - 3°C
Overcast throughout the day. Tuesday -3°C - 8°C
Partly cloudy throughout the day. Wednesday -5°C - 9°C
Overcast throughout the day. Thursday -4°C - 10°C
Current Weather at Windermere Valley Golf Course